I'll admit that the past week+ I've spent mainly recouping physically and mentally from a "perfect storm" of events that resulted in a truly chaotic time for me at work. Despite the beautiful autumn weather this weekend, I barely had the energy to move and mainly relaxed as much as I could. The good thing about it is that I was able to minimize my exposure to triggers (other than the few times my cockatiel was in a whiny mood). The bad thing is that I realized I was isolating myself from the "outside world" in general, something I don't want to get in the habit of doing again.
I'm slowly learning about many of the local events in the area and outdoors groups that are into hiking and skiing (activities I haven't done as much since leaving DC). I need to start joining some of them to interact with the outside world more. I went to Yom Kippur services at one synagogue last Wednesday, but I'm not sure if I'll join that particular congregation. I understand their desire to have services in a multi-purpose open space to gain a sense of community but between the uncomfortable chairs, the cinderblock walls, and the linoleum floors (not to mention some of the poor lighting choices), I found myself distracted by the sounds and visuals around me instead of immersing myself in the program. Perhaps another location - with carpeting to dampen sound transmission - would better suit my needs.
I'm at least enjoying the one outlet I have singing in an acapella group. It does have its misophonia trigger moments with me though, mainly because two of the members are always chewing gum which is very distracting/annoying to me. (How can people chew gum during a singing rehearsal is beyond me...) We'll see how it goes over the next couple of rehearsals but if it continues, I might need to ask the "culprits" if they could be so kind to leave their gum outside of rehearsal.