developed, I'll be sure to write about them here.)
One thing I'm very excited about having recently completed is my copyrighting the logo I designed last year to go with this website. I submitted it to the US Copyright Office before I left for my trip last week and was pleasantly surprised to come home this past Tuesday night to find a letter from the Library of Congress saying that my application to copyright my design was approved. (Yippee! I thought it was going to be weeks before I heard anything back.) I'm including the logo design in this blog post. Hopefully, the design speaks for itself. :-)

It's funny though... I've wanted to do an fMRI scan of my brain during a trigger exposure ever since I had my 3D MRI brain scan back in March, long before I even heard about the official fMRI study being done; yet I hadn't really thought about what it would involve until the past couple of weeks. I've had MRI scans done of my knee after a skiing accident in 2007 and of course I've had the 3D MRI brain scan, so I know that you have to stay REALLY still during those tests to get an accurate scan. I wonder if they might have to strap my hands down or something during the fMRI to prevent me from instinctively putting my fingers in my ears when I hear a trigger during the scan. I know how important research like this is, and I'd do anything to help us get closer to a definitive understanding of what might be happening neurologically during exposure to misophonia triggers. It's just interesting that I'd be gung-ho to deliberately put myself in a situation where I'd be exposed to triggers for a long period of time (I'm assuming) in a confined space, when during "normal" daily life, I'd do anything to get as far away from my triggers as possible. (What am I, a masochist?!?!?!? LOL!)
Well, I guess if I've put up with it for 30 years, and will likely be putting up with it for another 30+ to come... It would be an honor to know I can do my part to help us get one step closer to finding relief (if not a cure) from misophonia. In the meantime, I'll keep writing this blog, posting information on this website, and doing whatever I can to help - whether it helps other misophonia sufferers or by bringing more awareness about this condition to the public in general. (I'll be a regular Joanie Appleseed spreading the word on misophonia... My hair is certainly red like an apple!) LOL!
Happy Labor Day weekend, everyone! Hope yours is trigger-free!