Unlike the past two trips, this time the Owner of my company went with me. On the one hand, I’m very glad he did because we were able to divide and conquer the tasks at hand (which otherwise would’ve taken me twice the amount of time to do by myself – killing my entire weekend). On the other hand, it made a very annoying misophonia situation much more stressful for me because I wasn’t able to address it the way I wanted to do so…
You see… Yesterday was a long day where we were working at the site from 12 noon until nearly 11 p.m. and the last couple of hours were spent with an A/V technician who (when he was waiting for his computer to catch up with him) would drum his hands very loud and fast against cardboard moving boxes or any other hard surface around him. I was in a real predicament because the Owner of my company doesn’t know about my misophonia yet, and I wasn’t about ready to tell him; yet for me to confront the hand