I thought that getting into the office early would also be a good thing. Fewer people usually means fewer misophonia triggers. Unfortunately, the coworker who sits behind me also gets in early, so the buzzing of his speakers playing music softly is even more noticeable in the quieter environment. (Very similar to how triggers stand out more when in a quiet environment like a library.) It was like ice picks piercing my ears - and the I/T guy whistling while working on various computers in the office space was even worse. (Sigh.) I'd love to be working in an environment where I don't feel like I have to blast my earbud music the second I walk in the door.
I miss the days when I didn't have to share a workstation surface with a coworker. It's bad enough when my coworker bangs a ream of paper on the worksurface to align all the pages - the vibrations traveling all the way to my end so I have to work with my arms raised (very tiring). Every now and then she'll have teammates from her projects visit her, which creates additional distractions... Earlier this week, the CAD Manager sat down to talk with her, all the while banging the short end of his cell phone on the counter surface, sliding his hand down the phone until it reached the bottom, picking it up again between his two fingers, flipping it so his fingers were now at the top, hitting the phone on the countertop.... Over and over and over. I wanted to smush the phone down so it laid flat on the table or snatch the phone out of his hand and throw it across the room. It was so freaking annoying!
This is a person who I try to sit as far away from when we're in the same team meetings in conference rooms. He just can't keep his hands still. He's either clicking his pens or flipping them around his thumb.