We talked a lot about her "Sound-Rage" book, which was just released last month, as well as my memoir writing efforts too. We shared personal experiences about our misophonia and it was amazing the similarities. Throughout our conversation, she explained some of the science behind misophonia experiences by using analogies that were very easy to understand. Even my friend, was intrigued, and he only knows about misophonia from the few discussions he and I've had. (When we still worked together, I often asked him to stop drumming his fingers when we met for coffee on the way to a job site, so he is somewhat aware of my hyper-sensitivities to certain sensory triggers.)
Before we went our separate ways, I asked Judith to sign my copy of the "Sound-Rage" book, which I started to read on the flight to where I'm at right now. It's fascinating how much her writing reads just like my own thoughts. I could especially relate to the stories that were shared by other sufferers as well. I haven't quite gotten to the more scientific portion of the book, but I'm really looking forward to reading more, and even bought another copy to share with my family! I figure it might help them to better understand my misophonia if they can read about it through someone else's voice.