As much as it's strange not being with family during a time of year when togetherness is such a big deal, as a misophonia sufferer, I find there's something very special about being able to take a break from the stress of daily life misophonia triggers on probably one of the biggest trigger holidays of the year. If you look at any of my prior posts about triggers while traveling... Imagine that ten fold when stuck in an airport with anxious travelers during one of the busiest travel days or sitting at a crowded Thanksgiving table where you're surrounded by noisy eaters for three or four hours. No... It's ironic but I'm thankful for having quiet time during this typically trigger saturated holiday weekend. But I'm thankful for so much more than that...
I'm thankful that despite the great distances between me and my family and friends around the country, they are all so close to me and my heart. I'm thankful for my health and that of my family/friends (not to mention my bird's health too). I may be extremely busy with the more involved responsibilities of my new job, but having been laid off four times in a decade, I'm thankful for having a job period, let alone one as an "Owner-in-Training" with the potential for major professional growth and prestige. I'm thankful for having a roof over my head (despite the fact that not fifty feet away from my backyard the land that was being cleared for construction of 90 new homes is on 24/7 mudslide watch.
I'm also very thankful for all the support and feedback that I've received over these nearly 3 years of journaling my quest for relief from misophonia. It's hard to believe that I've been writing this blog for that long. I'd like to thank all the readers who not only have visited the website and sent comments about this "Butterfly's Whisper blog," but have kept coming back despite the delays between postings over this past year as I try to get some stability in my life after three major relocations by myself in a year (two of which were cross-country). I'm hopeful that this long weekend will finally give me the break I need to finish settling into my new place and allow me to get back into the swing of what I began with this website/blog back in 2012. It is all the wonderful feedback I've received over the years hearing that this website has helped others like me who struggle with misophonia that make this effort all worthwhile!
So happy (now belated) Thanksgiving everyone! Hope you have a trigger-free holiday season!